Proactive Maintenance Print

Prevention is better, less expensive and easier, than computer repairs.

The best way to be sure that nothing goes wrong with your computer is to perform routine computer and systems maintenance regularly. Maintenance goes far beyond the physical hardware. We check for viruses, trojans, malware, spyware and adware which can severely affect performance. We will also tune your workstation for peak performance.  Waiting for something to go wrong can cost you much more than an ounce of prevention.

Your computer system hardware contains both mechanical and electronic components that are extremely delicate, sensitive and in need of regular care. Many times computer failure can be prolonged or eliminated by implementing a proactive computer maintenance program. CMCS will provide routine preventative computer maintenance checks, regular cleanings, do installations and upgrades, and provide repairs when necessary, tuning your computer to it's highest level of performance.

We are available to provide the level of maintenance service you require and we offer fast response times, competitive rates and great customer service!

We come to your home or place of business to service your computer needs. Our professional, courteous employees are at your disposal to answer any computer related questions you might have and to take care of your computer.

Our primary function has always been computer maintenance and we have considerable experience and expertise in hardware problems. We are always happy to offer computer maintenance contracts tailored to match your company's response needs and budget.